Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Saturday Night Movie Night with Tweens

The first Saturday of each month, my 12 year old hosts a Tween Movie Night in our home. This is usually around 20 to 25 kids between the ages of 9 and 13. I know how ambitious it sounds but honestly, its pretty simple. We pick a movie, set up some seats and pillows on the floor, make some snacks and watch the children pour into the house. At the end of the night, we toss all the dishes in the dishwasher, vacuum and look at all out pictures of the great time had by everyone...

In a 5 qt bowl, I only make one bowl of this for movie night. Other parents appreciate me not caving in and giving their children, this much sugar LOL
3 bags of extra butter microwave popcorn
3 cups chocolate covered peanuts
3 cups pretzels (I prefer sticks to twists but honestly both work)

Pop popcorn in microwave. Toss all the ingredients in large bowl. Serve while popcorn is still warm.

A friend of mine host Teen Night at her house the same night as Tween Night at mine. Her snacks consist of chips, cookies and juice boxes. Much less work but much less compliments. Here we make our own lemonade knowing that an empty pitcher, meant happy kids.

16 lemons
1cup superfine sugar, plus more to taste
10 cups water
Ice cubes

Wash lemons under warm water. Roll them on the counter top with the palm of your hand to get them ready for juicing. Cut the lemons in half through their bellies. Juice lemons using either your hands or a juicer, reserving 2 lemon halves. Add the lemon juice to a pitcher. Add sugar and water and stir until sugar has completely dissolved. Add ice cubes and the reserved lemon halves. We usually end up needed more lemon wedges because everyone wants one for their glass.

Lola's Parfaits
30 clear plastic cups from restaurant supply store
3 boxes of chocolate pudding
3 boxes of white chocolate pudding
2 tubs of cool whip
1 package of Oreos, crushed
4 cups of white and milk choc chips, mixed
6 cups of milk

Make both types of pudding in separate bowls according to directions of the packages.
In each clear plastic cup add enough Oreo mix to cover the bottom of the cup, then spoon in white chocolate pudding, more Oreo mix, milk chocolate pudding, sprinkle with chips and top with Cool Whip. Repeat this process 30 times and refrigerate for at least 3 hours before serving.

Needless to say, a little preparation goes a long way into making what most people would assume would be a chaotic night into something simple and fun for everyone.

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